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tl;dr sec Guides
Check out the following tl;dr sec guides, written in collaboration with top industry experts.

Staff Security Engineer
How do you get to 🧙‍♂️Staff🧙‍♂️ level in security?
It’s hard to know, as there’s not much guidance out there.
Where is the staffeng.com for security?
Rami McCarthy went and got stories from 8 Staff+ Sec Engineers, so you can go learn from their experiences.

Buying Security: A Client Guide to Security Assessments
This guide offers a comprehensive look at how to buy and get value from security assessments.
You’ll learn how to navigate this market, how to procure and execute an assessment, how to handle the results, and how to scale your program’s operations and outcomes.
We’ve synthesized over two hundred resources and surveyed over a hundred security professionals, to distill practical guidance from experience with a cumulative tens of thousands of assessments.

Risk8s Business: Risk Analysis of Kubernetes Clusters
This guide will help you rapidly ramp on what Kubernetes is and what it does (and doesn’t do).
You’ll learn how to understand the current state of your Kubernetes
deployment, hone in on what’s most risky, and how to mitigate that risk.
We’ll link to the best tools and other resources to learn more, and include plenty of handy CLI one-liners to get the job done.