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Node.js and NPM Ecosystem: What are the Security Stakes?

Talk structure: some history and background about NodeJS, overview of several vulnerability classes, attacks on the NPM ecosystem, and best practice security recommendations.

Vladimir de Turckheim, Software Engineer, Sqreen twitter, linkedin
abstract slides video

For vulnerabilities, a SQL injection example is given as well as regular expression denial of service, the latter of which can be found by vuln-regex-detector.

The most interesting, JavaScript-specific vulnerability described was object injection, which occurs when an application expects data of a certain type to be provided (e.g. a number or string), but instead a different type (e.g. a JavaScript object) is provided, significantly changing the behavior of the code.

app.post(‘/documents/find’, (req, res) => {
 const query = { };
 if (req.body.title) query.title = req.body.title;
 if (req.body.desiredType) query.type = req.body.desiredType;
  .then((r) => res.json(r));

In this code, an endpoint is querying a NoSQL database, expecting req.body to have a value like { desiredType: 'blog'}, which would result in the query: { type: "blog" }.

However, if an attacker provided an input like { desiredType: { $ne: 0 } }, the resulting query would be { type: { $ne: 0 } }. Since the type field in the database is a string, all records’ type fields will not be equal to 0 ($ne: 0), so all records will be returned, like a NoSQL version of or 1=1.

Ecosystem attacks: most NPM libraries have a huge number of direct and indirect dependencies, which exposes a large supply chain attack surface. Vladimir discusses when ESLint was backdoored as an example.


  • Keep NodeJS up to date

  • Review any use of critical core modules - carefully sanitize any user input that reaches fs, child_process, and vm

  • Data validation is not native in JavaScript, sanitize inputs using a library like joi

  • Monitor your dependencies for known issues

  • Monitor your dependency tree (anvaka) - some libraries that perform the same functionality have significantly fewer dependencies than others. Minimize your attack surface.