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  • [tl;dr sec] #16 - Art of Vulnerability Management, Cloud Security, Flan Scan, SCORE Bot

[tl;dr sec] #16 - Art of Vulnerability Management, Cloud Security, Flan Scan, SCORE Bot

Building an effective vulnerability management process, K8s/AWS tips, network & code scanning tools, privacy preserving VA, and the Siege of Gondor.


I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving break! Or just a nice weekend if you’re elsewhere 😃

I’ve never done this before, but I ended up going to this massive Thanksgiving buffet with some friends. It was fun being able to try so many dishes, but my extra exercising beforehand and mini fast only helped so much. Alas, next time.

I spent much of the break relaxing writing, for you, dear reader 💌 I’m working on a pretty massive writing project that I’m excited to share.

Correction: Bitdefender -> Bitdiscovery

Last newsletter I said “Bitdefender” a few times when I meant “Bitdiscovery,” Jeremiah Grossman’s asset inventory startup. This was kindly brought to my attention by Spotify Security Engineer Ionut Ambrosie. I’ve updated the site, thanks! By the way, Spotify is hiring security people in NYC and Stockholm.

🎉 Speaking at BSidesSF 2020

I’ll be giving an individual talk on an opinionated guide to scaling your company’s security, where I’ll call out whole magic quadrants that don’t seem to yield high ROI, question how we’ve historically viewed AppSec as an industry, and all around make a lot of friends.

I’ll also be moderating a DevSecOps panel with some cool people:

Hope to see you there!

📜 In this newsletter...

🔗 Links:

  • Cloud security: securing K8s components, K8s best practices, IAM policy linter by Duo, monitor unused IAM roles, alert on manual Console actions, AWS cloud security guide

  • Books: reverse engineering, Google on SRE + security, cryptography

  • Privacy: Purism started shipping their privacy-first phone, the perils of surveillance capitalism, telcos are screwing up SMS v2

  • Automate all the things: privacy preserving virtual assistant from Stanford, open source home automation framework

  • Flan Scan: Cloudflare releases wrapper around nmap + CVE detection that runs in Docker and outputs LaTeX. Next step, raising $100M from VCs to #disruptvulnscannerz

  • PayPal releases SCORE Bot: their continuous code scanning tool, which can comment on PRs with findings, track metrics, etc.

  • Misc: upcoming Firefox feature to allow rewinding JS execution, an analysis of if the Siege of Gondor was realistic

📚 New Summary: The Art of Vulnerability Management:

Alexandra Nassar of Medallia describes how to create a positive vulnerability management culture and process that works for engineers and the security team.

Key takeaways:

  • Meet with engineers to understand their workflow and pain points in your current vulnerability management process. Learn the systems and tools they use and how they use them.

  • Use development teams' language and terminology whenever possible to maximize inter-team understanding and minimize confusion.

  • Fit the vulnerability management process into how development teams currently work; do not force them to use an external tool, the friction is too high.

  • Every security ticket that reaches development teams should a) be verified to be a true positive, b) needs to contain all of the relevant contextual information so developers can understand the issue and its relative importance, and c) have clear, actionable guidance on how to fix it. Adopt a customer service-type of interaction model with development teams.

  • Create a single, all-encompassing vulnerability management process that all vulnerabilities flow through: a single entry point and process that is followed, from entry, to triage, to resolution. Create this process based on interviewing development and security teams to understand their needs, and manually sample previous bugs to determine what bug "states" were needed in the past.

    • Once you make process changes, meet with all of the affected teams to ensure they understand why the changes were made and how they can effectively adopt the new process; don't assume they'll automatically get it.

  • Determine the set of meta info you're going to track about vulnerabilities and track them consistently; for example, the severity ("priority"), CVSSv3 score and vector, relevant team and/or project, release tag, the source that found it (pen test, bug bounty, etc.), and its due date.

  • Track metrics over time (number of bugs found, by source, by criticality, number of bugs past SLA, etc.). Use these metrics to diagnose process problems as well as areas that merit deeper investment from the security team for more systematic, scalable wins. Share metrics with leadership so they understand the current state of affairs, and consider using metrics to cause some healthy competition between teams.

  • Get your colleagues excited about security via internal marketing efforts, like gamifying security metrics, holding CTFs and bug bashes, and distributing swag, like stickers, t-shirts, or custom badges for people who make efforts in security.

Cloud Security

How Kubernetes components communicate securely in your clusterThis KubeCon talk by Maya Kaczorowski, Product Manager of Container Security at Google, describes:

  • The main Kubernetes components that need trusted communication (API server, kubelet, etc) and how this communication is protected.

  • How the cluster certificate authority (CA) works and how it grants certs to Kubernetes components.

  • Authentication, integrity, and encryption options available in Kubernetes, and how you can protect other communications in your cluster (e.g. node to nonde and pod to pod)

Cloud Native Security Hub - Discover and share Kubernetes security best practices and configurations (thx Marco Lancini)

An AWS IAM Policy Linter: ParliamentDuo Labs blog post and tool release by Scott Piper describing Parliament, a tool that does linting of AWS IAM policies to detect cases like when a role could escalate its privileges.

Continuously monitor unused IAM roles with AWS ConfigWalkthrough on the AWS security blog about how to use an AWS Config rule and a Lambda to continuously checks for inactive roles based on when they were last used.

Detecting Manual AWS Console ActionsIf your company does infrastructure as code using tools like Terraform, then ideally no one should be making any changes manually. Arkadiy Tetelman describes how to set up AWS Cloudtrail alerting to detect when a manual change is made through the AWS Console, which he says has been one of the highest siginal/lowest noise alerts they’ve created.

Ramp-Up Learning Guide available for AWS Cloud Security, Governance, and ComplianceAWS released this PDF that lists resources including free digital training offerings, classroom courses, videos, whitepapers, certifications, and other materials, sorted by how they think one should best become familiar with the platform and related technologies.


Reverse Engineering for Beginners (Understanding Assembly Language)Massive 1,079 page free e-book on reverse engineering from Dennis Yurichev.

If you want to learn about reverse engineering, I’d also recommend Malware Unicorn’s free online Reverse Engineering 101 workshop or Maddie Stone’s Android App Reverse Engineering 101.

Building Secure Reliable Systems: SRE and Security Best PracticesFree book by the Google SRE team, recommended to me by Caleb Sima over drinks last week. Snippets from the description:

Successfully building, deploying, monitoring, and maintaining systems is only possible when security and reliability are central elements in their architecture.

The central idea of this book is its focus on treating security and reliability as a common theme, one which is integral to software and system lifecycles.

An Overview of Cryptography
A pretty lengthy, free book on cryptographic basics, the types of crypto algorithms, trust models, and common algorithms in action. Cryptocurrency hype-free and good for the soul.

Version One, a VC firm that has invested in ~100 start-ups over the past 10 years, released a free Startup Handbook discussing building your team (hiring, culture, compensation), building your organization (leveling up, running), and building your investor base (fundraising, investor communication, advisors).


Purism describes the challenges they faced for Librem 5, the open source, privacy-first phone they’ve been developing, with neat features like a hardware kill switches for the camera/microphone and WiFi/Bluetooth/cellular modem. Challenges included designing the hardware from scratch and developing many of the drivers themselves. They’ve managed to keep much of the same stack as their laptops - PureOS (Debian derivative) and GNOME / GTK+, allowing applications written for desktop to run on the phone, with only slight changes.

Surveillance Giants: How the Business Model of Google and Facebook Threatens Human Rights
This 60 page document by Amnesty International discusses the business of surveillance (called “Surveillance Capitalism” by this well-received book by Shoshana Zuboff), the power/danger of data analytics at scale in terms of microtargeting and manipulating at scale, and how the concentration of power obstructs accountability.

SMS Replacement is Exposing Users to Text, Call Interception Thanks to Sloppy Telecos
Vice article on how various telco’s implementation of the RCS standard is done poorly, opening users to attacks like text message and call interception, spoofed phone numbers, and leaking their coarse location. “Because some of the standard is undefined, there’s a good chance companies may deploy it in their own way and make mistakes.”

Automate All the Things!

Almond The Open, Privacy-Preserving Virtual Assistant
Neat project by the Stanford Open Virtual Assistance lab that lets you speak or type commands to the virtual assistant, Almond, which it then parses using a natural language understanding model, and then takes one or more actions. Almond capabilities are defined in Thingpedia, a crowdsourced repo of commands and interfaces to online services and Internet of Things (imagine an open source Zapier or IFTTT). You can use Almond via your browser, a GNOME desktop app, an Android app, or via CLI. Examples commands include:

  • “Show me the weather in San Francisco.”

  • “Get the current Bitcoin price and send it to my colleague on Slack.”

  • “Wake me up with my Spotify playlist ‘rise and shine’ at 8am every day.”

Home Assistant
“Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first.” Can be run on a Raspberry Pi or a local server. Recently added integration with Almond.

Cloudflare’s AppSec team was less than pleased with existing commercial network vulnerability scanners, so they created Flan Scan (source code), which is a thin wrapper around Nmap that uses the vulners script to map detected services to relevant CVEs.

  • Runnable via Docker, comes with sample Kubernetes configuration and deployment files so you can get up and scanning quickly.

  • Can push results to a Google Cloud Storage Bucket or an S3 bucket, making it easy to run a number of scans and collect the results in one central location for processing.

  • Generates actionable reports so you can quickly identify vulnerable services on the network, the applicable CVEs, and the IP addresses and ports where these services were found.

  • Outputs LaTeX ❤️

By complementing osquery’s findings with Flan Scan’s network scans we are working towards comprehensive visibility of the services running at our edge and their vulnerabilities. With two vulnerability trackers in place, we decided to build a tool to manage the increasing number of vulnerability sources. Our tool sends alerts on new vulnerabilities, filters out false positives, and tracks remediated vulnerabilities.

Sounds like they’re building an inventory of their assets. Like an asset… inventory 😉.

Flan Scans results are structured around services. The report enumerates all vulnerable services with a list beneath each one of relevant vulnerabilities and all IP addresses running this service. This structure makes the report shorter and actionable since the services that need to be remediated can be clearly identified.

Security in the Real World™
A handful of people on Twitter were grumbling about Flan Scan because it’s a simple wrapper around nmap. I think that’s a feature. In the real world (read: not the Black Hat stage), there are no style points to be won from the Russian judge for the complexity of a solution. The goal for most effecctive AppSec teams is to do the simplest thing that works well. The security ROI of a tool is a function of: how much time is required to create and maintain it? What are the ongoing operational and triage time requirements? Some of the top AppSec teams I’ve been able to work with build focused tools that handle specific use cases as precisely as they need to, with no unnecessary frills or complexity. Leave the triple salchow to someone else, we have real security to do.


PayPal Releases SCORE Bot

PayPal open sourced SCORE Bot, their lightweight, continuous code scanning tool that can comment on PRs with findings, tracks metrics, etc. They originally discussed SCORE Bot at AppSec USA 2018, which I wrote a summary of here. There have been a number of talks in this space, here’s what sticks out to me about this one:

  • They A/B tested security messaging and found it lead to significantly better outcomes.

  • They focus on maximizing security iteration speed, which is quite clever and important. Security tools aren’t often built with this in mind, but I think it can be a game changer.

Here’s a blurb I wrote about the value of maximizing security iteration speed, taken from the summary linked above:

  • How valuable would it be if you could notice a common code anti-pattern and then in an hour write up a quick check and roll it out to every repo such that you got coverage on every commit from now on?

  • How useful would it be to be able to write a new check, get feedback on its effectiveness, tune it to improve signal, and have multiple rounds of that feedback-driven improvement loop take minutes or at most hours, not days or weeks?

  • What if you could add in (or remove) an additional security tool into your CI/CD pipeline in an hour?

  • Is there any security automation you're not doing because you know that rolling it out or tuning it will be too time intensive or painful?


Web Replay
Early stage project in Firefox to allow content processes to record their behavior, replay it later, and rewind to earlier states. Replaying processes preserve all the same JS behavior, DOM structures, graphical updates, and most other behaviors that occurred while recording. The browser’s JS debugger can be used to inspect and control the replay. Basically time travel debugging, but built-in to the browser, super cool!

The Siege of Gondor, Part I: Professionals Talk Logistics
Growing up, my dad read The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings to me, which inspired a life-long love of fantasy and science fiction. This fun article series examines the Siege of Gondor from a practical, historical military perspective. Does the strategy of the Witch King make sense? Would it be feasible for an army of orcs of the size portrayed to march the described distances in the requisite amount of time? What about supply chains?

📚 New Summary: The Art of Vulnerability Management

Alexandra Nassar of Medallia describes how to create a positive vulnerability management culture and process that works for engineers and the security team.

✉️ Wrapping Up

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Thanks for reading!

